Continuing Education Requirements
CME Information & Requirements
Since October 1, 2017, podiatric physicians have been required to complete 100 hours of continuing medical education every two years.
- WAC 246-922-300: Podiatric continuing education required.
- WAC 246-922-310: Categories of creditable podiatric continuing education activities.
Health equity CME. Podiatric physicians are now required to complete a minimum of 2 hours of health equity continuing education training every four years. Those 2 hours are included in the 100 hours CME requirement. The first health equity training must be completed by the end of the first full CME reporting cycle after January 1, 2024, or by the end of the first full CME reporting cycle after initial licensure, whichever is later. Free trainings are available at the DOH website.
Opioid prescribing CME. Podiatric physicians who prescribe opioids are required to complete a one-time 1 hour training. WAC 246-922-685
Telemedicine CME. Podiatric physicians who use telemedicine are required to take a one-time training. See RCW 43.70.495. The training, which is twenty minutes in length, is available on the Telehealth Collaborative website (hosted by WSHA). In addition, the legislation allows training to be offered by hospitals and other health care facilities, continuing education courses, or trainings developed by a health professional board or commission
Other important information related to the CME rules include:
- Meeting the requirements for participation in a maintenance of certification program for a specialty board recognized by CPME counts as meeting CME requirements or certifying or recertifying within the previous four years with a specialty board recognized by CPME. (See WAC 246-922-300(3)(a) and(b).
- Note that WAC 246-922-300(4) states that podiatric physicians must still assure that they have taken a minimum of 2 hours of health equity CME training every four years pursuant to WAC 246-922-310(4).
- CME courses may be obtained through in-person or remote attendance, or through interactive online or prerecorded courses. (See WAC 246-922-310)
- Category 1 credits. A minimum of 40 hours of Category 1 are required.
- Scientific courses or seminars offered or sponsored by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgery and American Diabetes Association are specifically included.
- Also specifically included are scientific courses or seminars accredited by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education or the Accrediting Council for Continuing Medical Education
- Category 2 credits. A maximum of 50 hours is allowed.
- Category 3 credits. A maximum of 60 hours is allowed.
- In each of the Category 3 subcategories, a maximum of 30 hours is allowed.
- In the subcategory concerning participation in a health care institution or government agency, the following is now included:
- Staff committee for subjects, including, but not limited to, quality of care, utilization review, credentialing, bylaws, and medical records.
- Surgical privilege credentialing to include proctoring activity.